You’ve invested in a great space, and you know what you’re talking about for your product or service. The challenge now is to get people through the door and talking to you about what you do. Signage on your building can go a long way to attract people’s attention. (You can read more about effective building signage here.) But pulling in local foot traffic and local vehicle traffic is important as well. Sidewalk signs can help! The good news is that an effective sidewalk sign is easier to achieve than you might think.
Here are 4 tips to create an eye-grabbing sidewalk sign:
Effective sidewalk signs are simple.
There’s a rule in the billboard world: great copy should 7 words or less. The same adage is true for sidewalk signs. If you can’t say it in 7 words or less, you customer is going to take their business somewhere else. Your customer is either driving or walking by, so they don’t have much time to absorb what you have to say. Make your sign easy to read by keeping things simple. Color helps, too!
Effective sidewalk signs show who.
Include your logo or name, or other marker to let people know the business they’re looking for. If you’re local, mention it! If you’re open late, talk about it! Always carry your branding forward when you put together your sidewalk sign. It should support the visual style, content, and messaging you already have in place for your brand. All of this helps reinforce who you are.
Effective sidewalk signs show what.
When putting content on a sidewalk sign, think of the customer first. What problem do you need to solve for them? What benefit do you bring to the table that sets you apart? This key benefit should be included on your sign.
Effective sidewalk signs show where.
After you’ve gotten their attention and made your offer, show the customer where to go to get it. Use an arrow. Made it very clear where the customer needs to go to receive what you’ve promised on your sidewalk sign.
Once you have all these things covered, place your sign in the highest traffic area you can, so you’re reaching the most people possible with your messaging. Also, be willing to experience a bit on your sign placement until you find the best solution that gets people through your door. We’re here to help you design the most effective sign possible for your business.