
Vehicle Wrap Visibility From the Inside Out
The more surface area of an object, the more visual impact it tends to have. In the vehicle world, this simply means you’re far more likely to notice a semi than you are a motorcycle. But the visible appearance of an object can alter this equation. Consider this:...

UV Protection and Privacy Can Still Be Beautiful
As a business owner, choosing between aesthetics and practicality can be difficult, especially when both are important to your clients. You want to draw them into your business with a pleasing exterior and comfortable interior, but you also want to spend money where...

Which Matte Finish Is Right for Your Car, Paint or Vinyl?
A few years ago, there was nothing cooler than a matte painted car. It was unusual and expensive, which quickly made it a status symbol. “Frozen Gray” was an instant winner even though it could add up to $10k to your price tag. Roll forward a few years, and now almost...

Vinyl Graphics that Inspire: Exploring Vinyl Art in the Community
Art enhances a community in more ways than just aesthetic. Art is powerful in many ways, and vinyl can be used as its medium. This art can change culture, reflect values, document a city’s history. It can educate, entertain, beautify neighborhoods and promote...

5 Tips to Window Graphics that Convert
Empty windows are a lost opportunity. Leaving them bare is like paying for an empty billboard month after month. Statistics prove again and again that signage is one of the major proponents for getting people to first notice your business and then to get them through...

Fleet Graphics: How to Be Everywhere at Once
Does the thought of advertising your business leave you baffled? Do you wonder where to do it, when to do it, and if the cost is worth the investment? You’re not alone if you’ve hesitated on even just one of those questions. Advertising can feel like a deep, murky...

Poking Holes in a Distraction: How Perforated Vinyl Helped an Aquatic Center
It’s another Working Wednesday here at Cascade Wraps. This time we’re headed to a splash-splash destination: The North Clackamas Aquatic Park. About North Clackamas Aquatic Park This unique, affordable destination is extremely popular in the Portland Metro area,...

5 Reasons You Need to Add Sandwich Board Signs to Your Marketing
Could your business use more customers? Could you use a boost in sales, especially through the summer months? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you need to add sandwichboard signs to your marketing. They’re an inexpensive way to get foot traffic from...

5 Steps to a Successful Car Wrap Design
You’ve decided it’s time to step up your marketing, and you've heard that the most effective return on investment is a car wrap design. Research shows you’ll get more views for less cost per view than from a print ad, radio ad, or television ad. You may be a brand new...

Gladstone SRO Vehicle: A Standout Job on a High-Visibility Car
It’s another working Wednesday here at Cascade Wraps and this time we’re coming at your with lights and sirens. About Gladstone School District’s School Resource Officer This month we’re focusing on the Gladstone Police force. We've been honored to do all the...