As a general rule, success has as many faces as there are goals. But when it comes to vehicle wraps, success is a bit easier to define.

And while a wrap can represent one of a myriad of different business, the rules of the game are pretty simple. Vehicle wraps are the most cost-effective form of advertising available today. You pay once, and reap the benefit for years to come. Most vehicle wraps can get as many as 70,000 impressions a day. When you run the numbers, the investment in a vehicle wrap is pretty hard to beat! It has to be memorable. It has to be readable. And it has to be actionable.

Flowers Washougal Vehicle Wrap is Easy to Read and Actionable

A Successful Vehicle Wrap is Memorable

If no one notices your vehicle wrap, nothing happens. The very first rule of the game is to make the wrap eye-catching. Wraps filled with bright colors get noticed the most. According to Forbes, 76% of cars on the highway today are either white, black, or grey. With these kind of numbers, it’s not hard to imagine the powerful impact of a colorfully wrapped car.

 93.1 El Rey Wrap Shows that a Successful Vehicle Wrap Must Be Readable

A Successful Vehicle Wrap is Readable

After noticing your vehicle wrap, people need to read the message on it. And by message we don’t mean paragraphs of content. Your business may offer 20 different products or services. That’s a great thing! But it’s not great to include all those on your wrap. More is less, so pick 3, tops. If you can narrow it to one concept, even better. Think of your vehicle as a real-life moving billboard. It needs to be understood not just at a stoplight, but also at 60mph.

Also, remember that your vehicle may be seen from far away. Imagine this: you’re parked on the street and someone in an apartment building across the street on the third floor glances out their window. You want them to see you brand (this is where bright colors help). And you want them to be able to very quickly and easily grasp what your brand is all about.

Our recommendations for must-haves on a successful vehicle wrap are listed below in order of priority:

  • Business name and logo
  • Phone number
  • Website
  • Services (no more than 3)

Flowers Washougal shows that a successful vehicle wrap must be actionable

A Successful Vehicle Wrap is Actionable

Most of the time, a vehicle wrap points people to the phone or your website. When you’re thinking about your wrap, it might seem like a good idea to go with a campaign-type approach. This is great if you’re investing in a bus wrap that only lasts a few months. When it comes to your car, back out a bit and remember the big picture. This investment is going to last 5, 6, even 7 years down the road. Keep it on-brand, colorful, and very easy to comprehend at a glance.

93.1 El Rey is a successful vehicle wrap because its simple and eye catching

Once we get through these basic steps, here are a few more things to consider:

  • Match the style of the wrap to the style of the vehicle. Think about it. You wouldn’t wrap a Prius the same way you’d wrap a delivery truck. (But also remember: rules are made to be broken. Often you can turn rules on their head and make an even bigger impression.)
  • Remember your ideal customer. Customers have certain quirks and expectations. Don’t ask your friends for second opinions on your vehicle wrap design. Instead, ask people within your audience demographic.
  • Partner with an experienced vehicle wrap designer. We design and install vehicle wraps for a living. In the past 20 years we’ve learned a thing or two about what works and what doesn’t. Let us help you design a powerful wrap that not only look great, but will also bring results.
  • Take pictures of your specific vehicle. This is important! A designer can’t work from a car template alone. Sometimes, people make slight modifications to a vehicle. Or manufactures create a design with particularly deep curves or indentations. These things need careful attention before the wrap you design and cut your wrap so that no vinyl stretches too much you avoid any surprises. This ensures that your vehicle wrap lasts as long as possible.
  • Keep it simple. Finally, remember this: It’s tempting to include everything possible on your vehicle wrap. Don’t give in to that temptation. The more simple you keep things, the more eye-catching and memorable your vehicle wrap will be.

If you’re thinking about investing in marketing, let us help you strategize a successful vehicle wrap. The cost-per-impression is the lowest available. They’re memorable. And best of all, they’re successful!