Best Vehicle to Wrap for Andres Landscaping

How to Choose the Best Vehicle When You’re Considering a Vinyl Wrap

Does the vehicle size and shape matter all that much when it comes to wrapping it?

Spoiler alert: No, the size and shape of your vehicle doesn’t matter all that much. Smart cars and buses can reach the same amount of people with equal effectiveness. But for some reason we get asked this question from time to time, so we’re sharing a few best-practices when it comes to choosing the best vehicle and the vinyl wrap that go around it.


Put your business before your marketing needs.

You should always put your business needs first. We here at the shop know that a Scion has great lines for an effective vehicle wrap, but no matter how great the lines, it won’t work if you need a truck for your business. When you let your needs lead, the vehicle wrap design makes a whole lot more sense, too. Your needs dictate the best vehicle.


Wrap the vehicle you drive every day.

The best vehicle to wrap is the one you drive every single day. And while a vehicle wrap will definitely work sitting in your driveway, it’s effectiveness exponentially increases the more you drive it. Drive it everywhere. Take a slightly different route to work to get visibility with a new crowd. Show it off. Take it to every job site. Park it where the most people will view it. It’s your billboard on wheels, so the more miles you drive, the more people will learn about your business.


Taller vehicles have more visibility.

A box truck will get more views across lanes of traffic than a Prius. (But if you’re an environmentally friendly company, you’ll be more believable in a wrapped Prius than a F250.) Make the choice that makes sense for your business, but if you’re in the market for a new best vehicle, height might be something to think about.

Best Vehicle Wrap Facts

There are a lot of statistics that support the effectiveness of vehicle wraps. We’ve done a few articles on the effectiveness of vehicle wraps. Read more here and here. And if you’re looking for strategy, check out this article.) But in sum, a few facts stand out to us:

  • 60% of consumers would rather purchase from a company they’ve heard of before than one they haven’t. This makes getting your name out on the streets imperative!
  • Branded vehicles build trust, especially when making service calls.
  • OAAA says that mobile advertising is the most effective and efficient form of advertising when it comes to cost per impression.
  • The flexibility of a vehicle wraps allows you to change the demographic reached by driving in different areas of the city.


Don’t let “getting the best vehicle” hold you back from taking the leap into vinyl wraps. Our biggest piece of advice? Buy the car you need for your business and then we can brainstorm the best wrap strategy. Because no matter what vehicle you have, wrapping it in vinyl will definitely make It stand out.



Micah Dear